Regional Secretary YM Sampath Manthrinayake receiving his appointment letter as Secretary to the Ministry of Fisheries from Secretary to the President of Sri Lanka.
2 Y's Youth from Sri Lanka attended the International Y's Youth Convocation held in Dubai from 5 - 10 November 2024. |
PIP Jennifer Jones and her husband PAP Russel met their Brother Club on 22nd August at PAP Rita’s residence at an IBC meeting where they met several members of the Colombo Club after which they enjoyed a fellowship dinner. |
Two of our club PRDs with RD troika met IPE Edward on a private visit to Sri Lanka on October 18. |
Y's Men's Club of Colombo celebrated its 93rd Charter Anniversary where RD Ranjith Senevirathne, on December 3rd. |
Young Moratuwa club members participated in Moratuwa YMCA celebrated its 75 th anniversary celebrations last December. |
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Induction ceremony of the Young Moratuwa Club 2021/22 |
Y's Men's Club of Young Moratuwa Board Members celebrating the Birthday of our member and present Regional Director PRD Godfrey Francis at Club President Jayanthi's residence |
A service celebrating the life of PRD Nihal Peiris was held on May 30, at his residence by Young Moratuwa club members who could not attend the funeral service due to COVID 19 Curfew on 28th and 29th March 2020. |
Elizabeth and Margarathe Halvosen from Norway who was in Sri Lanka attended the Y's Men's Club of Young Moratuwa Monthly Meeting held at IPRD Ranarajah & Mystica's residence on 21st February 2020. |
PRD Nihal Peiris pinning the ALF Reynolds Badge in Young Moratuwa Club Banner at the Januay 2020 Monthly meeting.
Regional Director Sri Lanka PRD Godfrey Francis handing over the certificate of Living Tribute to PRD NIhal Peiris |
Regional Convention 2019/2020.
Members of Sri Lanka Y’sdom chat, have fun and experience fellowship at the 2020 Regional Convention.For more, visit our photo page athttps://cutt.ly/zgo6K7Z |
The Y's Men's Club Moratuwa held their Christmas dinner on 10th December 2019 at Hotel Mirage Wellawatte |
Prospective member, Charter President of new Karachi Club Rev. Sunil meets some of the members of
Y’s men’s club of Colombo which is the sponsor club of the new Karachi club. (He visited Colombo in
October). |
Central Eastern District conference held on 6th October 2019 at Hotel Wehilini Kurunegala. |
Ready to start on bio-diversity and bee keeping -
RSD Green Activity YM Chinthan De Silva organized a session on Y’s Men’s Green Activity on 31 August at the Colombo YMCA. Secretary of Sri Lanka Bee Protection Organization Bandara Thambavita, Ys Men Sri Lanka Regional Director Godfrey Francis, President of Colombo Fort YMCA Vijith Peiris, and Sri Lanka’s pioneering and global award winning scientist Global scientist Prof. Sarath Kotagama at the session. |
South Western District Conference held on 26 September 2019 at Wellawatte Methodist Church Hall was a rewarding success. Organised and led by District Governor YM Milroy Manuel who is also the President of the Colombo club revived South Western District Springs into bold action which was a warm and welcoming evening!!” DGE 20/21 YM Mahesh Fernando hails from Young Moratuwa club. Guest Speaker was Mr. Tony Senewiratne, Former National Director – Sri Lanka Habitat for Humanity. |

(Click on this photo to see all) |
At the 44th regional convention in June this year The Bandarawela club won the Trophy for the BEST Y's Menettes Club for the year 2018-19 for the second successive year.Y's Mnt Wendy Mathiasz is the Club President (Pic 1 ...Club flag at 44th Reg Convention at GOH). Y's Mnt Shereen Irene Barthelat is the clubs Vice President (Pic 2... Club Pres Wendy, Vice Pres Irene, Secretary Pathma). |
Familiarization and Training 2019 - 20.
The Y's Men's Club of Dehiwela invited ISD ASD PAP PRD LT/OD Rita Hettiarachchi and her husband Patrick to the Club Secretary RSD YM Shane and Jayanthi Balthazaar's residence at Nawinna on Saturday 3rd August 2019 . YL Rita conducted an excellent Training seminar and a good briefing on familiarization of duties of Y's Dom . Five Y's Mnts of the Dehiwela club also attended. |
The Y's Men's Club Of Moratuwa held their 1st membership meeting for the year on 26 July 2019 where the new District Governor S/W Milroy Manuel was the Chief Guest.
He installed the new board of the club with PDG Ramani Perera as President & PRD Veraan De Mel & Y's Lady Priyangani De Mel as the Club Secretary & Treasurer respectively for the Y's year 2019/20
The members of Aars Y´s Men´s Club Denmark (Brother Club of Moratuwa club), with their deepest sympathy held an evening prayer at Aars Church on April 26, in memory of the victims of the terrible atrocity in Sri Lanka. About 90 Tamils and also a lot of members from Aars Y´s Men´s Club attended the service lighting candles, singing hymns for the vitctims. Bible passage was read in Tamil and Danish. |
Chartering of Y's Men's club of Colombo West" took place on 19th February 2019 |
Kurunegala club inducting a new member on 3rd February at their January monthly meeting by RD Ranaraj |
The Elmer Crowe Award in 2017-18 won by YM Shane Balthazaar of the Dehiwela club |
32 participants including members, Y's ladies, Y's Menettes, Y's Youth and Y's Lings of Young Moratuwa club had an enjoyable time when they held their monthly meeting at Vinrich Lake Resort, Piliyandala on 20 November 2018. The outing was sponsored by their club. |
Mahanuwara Club held its Sing Along, the fund raiser for 2018. Members participated from South Western District. |
Y’s Men’s Club of Colombo held a Thanksgiving Service commemorating its 88th Charter Anniversary on 3rd December 2018. |
Members of Y's Men's Club of Moratuwa 2018/19 |
Members of Y’s Menettes’ club of Bandarawela, Club President holding the Regional Trophy won at the 43rd Regional Convention for the best Y's Mennettes club for 2017-18 |
Y’s youth Jason Daniel from Young Moratuwa receiving a sponsorship cheque from IPRD Prasantha de Siva to attend the International Youth Conference 2018 in Yeosu Korea. Looking on are - RDE Godfrey Francis and RS Suranganie Francis. |
A donation of Rs.50,000/- was handed over by the Young Moratuwa club president to RD Ranarajah Serasinghe towards the Regional Convention held in June 2017. Looking on is Regional Treasurer YM V. Rajendran. |
Members of the Y's Men's Club Dehiwela celebrated Christmas 2017 at club IPP Shane & YL Jayanthi's residence on 8th Dec2017 |
Central Eastern Dist conference held in Kandy on 222nd October 2017. |
South Western District Conference held on 17. Sept. 2017 at Panagoda Army camp Premises |
STEP Student Jason Daniel having completed his STEP in Denmark making a presentation to Young Moratuwa club President at their monthly meeting. (April 2017) |
Young Moratuwa club members at the Wellawatte club Fund raiser on 25/03/2017 |
Annual General Meeting of YMCA Moratuwa held on 25 March 2017- Y'sman Deepthi Perera was elected as President |
Members from the Y�s Men�s CLUB Of Dehiwela. |
Y's Men Club of Young Moratuwa held their Fund Raiser Sing Along on 28th January 2017 at Bolgoda 360 Resort, Moratuwa |
Y's Men's club of Moratuwa observing Y's Men's Sunday on 26/02/2017 |
Young Moratuwa Club donated 7 frocks and 11 suits to the children of the Sarvodaya Orphanage and treated them with dinner on 23rd December 2016. |
Young Moratuwa club held a Christmas Party at the Blessings Child Care Centre, Indibedda, Moratuwa on 17th December. Donated socks, shoes and toys to the children. |
Held a Bargain Sale on 3rd December to support the poorest of the poor to buy clothes and miscellaneous items at a very nominal rate. Proceeds used to help the poor in the community. |
Young Moratuwa club held a Christmas Party at the Bethany Home Orphanage on 18th December. Donated 12 school bags and dry rations. Santa gave away the gifts to the children. |
Young Moratuwa club taking part in the December 2016 Moratuwa YMCA carol service. |
Young Moratuwa club members attended the Inaugural Meeting of the proposed Menettes Club of Bandarawela along with DGE and Vice President of the Dehiwala Club on 1st December 2016. |
23 Members of Y's Men Club of Young Moratuwa and 12 Members of Y's Men Club of Moratuwa held a Joint Meeting on 25th November 2016 at the YMCA Moratuwa |
South Western district had their Dist. conference on 24.09.2016 |
B F delegate YM Prasanna Kumar Nanda and his Wife Dr Priyadarshan from Y's Men's Club, Cuttack ,Orissa, Central India hosted in Galle on 16 th and 17th May 2015 by Club President of Y's Men's Club Dehiwela |
Negombo Club President YM Luxarius and Secretary District Governor Mohanraj recieves BF Delegate Prasanna Kumar and wife at the Bandaranaike Int. airport, exchanges souvenirs, later have a friendly cup of Sri Lanka Tea at the residence of President Luxarius. |
PWA Oration held on April 26 2015 to commemorate Founder's day! |
Members of Dehiwala Club at the April monthly meeting |
Sing-along /Fund raiser 2015 of Young Moratuwa club |
Negombo Club - soaring up with an increase of 10 members |
Sing along of Kurunegala Club held - 14/12/2013 |
Sing along organized by Moratuwa Club –21/09/2013 |
South Western Dist Conference � 28/09/2013 |
Central Dist Conference held at Polgolla vocational Centre on 20 August 2013 |
Membership Training of Mahanuwara/kurunegalaClubs andDG /DGE Training held in Polgolla on 20 August 2013. |
60th Anniversary of North York Toronto - Brother Club of Wellawatte club |
Commemoration of our Founder Paul William Alexander - 21 April 2013 at Methodist church hall Wellawatte |
Christmas programme at Asha Centre in Badowita - Colombo Club |
Sing Along Season III |
Held at The Tourmaline Kandy on 22nd September 2012 from 7 .00 pm to 11.30 pm |
25th Anniversary of Young Moratuwa club |
Donation of four wooden benches to the Angulana Railway Station" - A project of Y's Men's Club of Moratuwa |